A new hacking trick used by hackers to hack facebook pages has been discovered through which facebook pages are been hacked off their owners through facebook business.

Like the saying goes, it is only from greedy people that scammers, dealers and hackers benefits. Always endeavor to follow the right steps as the is no get rich quick scheme on these world. Those who are to ambiguous falls prey into the hands of bad guys.
I earlier published an article to enable facebook user protect their accounts from being hacked off, but just discover bad hackers have come up with a new strategy that permits them hack facebook pages without even having access to your account.
I shall show you a conversation I had with one such hacker before understanding what is going on. My biggest page was almost taken away until I had to play smarter and eject the admistrative invitation I sent to an unknown person unknowingly.
Firstly, when ever your here someone writting you in your page inbox and telling you of running sponsored post on your page in exchange of paying some kind of money in US Dollars, be careful. They almost proposed thinks like paying 100 to 400 USD a day for probably 3 articles published a day. (EWhat can they really benefit to pay someone 100USD for one article a day, from sight the money is way too suspicious.
However my interesd here is to protect facebook users and bloggers like myself who have sweat out their blood to build large pages to promote their contents,
Below is the detail discussion I had with the supposed hacker, before I move I have people who complain and explained to me how their pages were being taken over by these bad guys,
Read My conversation on one of my pages (Mugabe Wisdom Legacy) with a so called Brenda Frame and Know the new hacking trick used by hackers to hack facebook pages

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

This is our website

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy
give me about 10 minutes

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

Mugabe’s Wisdom Legacy

This person had to give up and gave me a fake agenda for the next day which he/she never attended to. This was probably because I had blocked cancelled the adminstrative request he/she made to me sent.
However I love a safer enviroment whether online or offline and that is why I must put up such articles to expose defaulters and protect innocent internet users from getting tricked.