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How To Create an Automatic Table of Contents in Less Than 2 Minutes in Microsoft.

Creating and automatic table of contents

A table of contents is a content in a document that enables a user to easily navigate through other contents.

It permit the user to easily understand what the document is talking about. It also permit the user to know where to get particular information present in the document.


To create an automatic table of contents we must perform the following;


a) Break

For a document that has a preliminary and a body, we must be able to distinguish them by breaking into two parts. The reason being that part of the document shall be numbered in Roman numerals while the body shall be numbered in Arabic numerals (Numbers use in English).

To break a document into two we perform the following;

Click on the position where you want to break the document.

On the Insert Menu click on Break

Click on Next Page

Hence you document has now been separated into two distinct portions. And you can now number each section differently by clicking on Insert Menu and then Page Number and also choosing a position and format. See how to insert page numbers.


b)Assigning Headings for the table of contents

On the Home Menu you will find Heading1, Heading2, etc at the top right side. The heading number simply enables us to differentiate between different levels of headings. For instance, You can say that let all Chapter be Heading1, Main Headings be Heading2 and subheadings be Heading3.

To assign headings for a table of contents we simply click on the line of the text to be use and then click on the heading number. Note we do this individually to assign all the headings.


c)Producing the table of contents

To produce the table of content;

You click at the position where the table of contents is to be produced.

Click on Reference Menu

Click on Table of Contents.

Then Click on the preferred format

Hence the table of content shall be produce for that document. This table shall contain all Headings and allocates page numbers.

Note: In case of further editing after producing table of content we have to update. We do this by clicking on Reference Menu and then clicking on Update Table to update the table of contents.

Hope this material goes a long way to solve a problem. I yes Comment to encourage us and If no Comment to help us improve.


Read Also;

Microsoft Office Word; Line spacing, Font, Font Colour, Etc.

How to set page orientation, margin, borders, size, watermark, colors, etc

Inserting pictures, tables, charts, shapes, symbols, equations, etc.

How to format table; split a cell, merge cells, adding roles d column, etc

Formatting text box; line, background, size, style, and effects