MINESEC DRH Personnel Physical Headcount (Staff Census)
Before you proceed to the CREATE ACCOUNT button to fill the online MINESEC DRH Census of Staff Form in Cameroon (Ministry of Secondary Education for Secondary School Teachers in Cameroon MINESEC), endeavor to skip below first and read the instruction carefully before you proceed with the CREATE ACCOUNT button to get access to the MINESEC-DRH Staff Census Form Cameroon to perform the MINESEC DRH Personnel Physical Headcount. This census process involves all public service staff working with MINESEC Cameroon
Don’t know how to do it yourself?
Contact 650 419 401 on WhatsApp (It cost just 1 000 FCFA to do it for you).
MINESEC Census of Staff Form in Cameroon By Agent of Human Resource (Fill Census form of personnel of MINESEC carefully)
The agents of human resources in MINESEC DRH Personnel Physical Headcount Cameroon will carrying physical census of her staff as from the 21 Oct. 2019, the venue of this census Subdivision will be announced by the divisional delegate and all state workers under this ministry are expect to complete this process. All agents of minesec are expected to
1. Go to the website CREATE ACCOUNT through your mobile phone or computer.
2. Create an internet account (for those who don’t have one)
3. On the website above, click on personnel ->census (the filled in your personal information). Then enter to validate.
4. Print the web page carrying your personal information.
5. Hand the printed web page along side an effective Service and photocopy of ID card to the census agents from MINSEC.
Census n°2 By MINFI Agents
Agents of minfi (COPPI) will also be on the field for physical head count of workers who will be expected to present:
1. Effective Service less 3 months old.
2. Receipt of last census conduct at the banks in the months of June last year
3. Original of ID card
Cameroon State workers at MINESEC should read the procedure carefully as outlined and ensure it is being followed to download just the required MINESEC Census form.
The online Census of staff of MINESEC DRH Personnel Physical Headcount in Cameroon is mmajor progress in esuring Cameroon state workers can easily go about job requirements without having to travel long distances or paying money to obtain documents that are easily avaiable for free. It is a true integration into the digital age and shows everyone is working very hard for the emergence of the nation.
Other Important Links For Cameroon State Wokers at MINESEC
Download Payslip Online in Cameroon For Free