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University Of Buea Admission Registration Application Procedure Online Cameroon 2022/2023 Academic Year

Admission Registration Application into the University of Buea for the 2022/2023 school year has been officially launched. Students can now begin to table their applications to be admitted into one of the most prestigious state universities in Cameroon.

No one can ever think of university education in Cameroon without thinking about the University Of Buea Popularly known as UB. It is a citadel of excellence and now officially open for admission registration application. The procedure to apply for admission is simple and straight forward. But if ever facing difficulty, you can always contact us to assist you at a very small cost. All we shall require from you will be to send a softcopy of you passport size photo and necessary information needed to complete the registration requirements.

University of Buea registration procedure And How To Apply For Admission

The steps you need to follow to make an application to be admitted into the University of Buea UB are explained below.

Step 1 : Accessing The Admission Link

Step 2 : Click this link GET STARTED to begin.

Step 3 : Click On Create Application account as seen on the photo below’

Step 4 : Enter required information and choose whether it is a general account or entrance account. Then click of CREATE APPLICATION ACCOUNT as shown below; Make sure to enter a valid email address and a recallable password,

University of Buea Admission Registration Application And Requirements. Apply Now To Become A Student Under-graduate and Pose-graduates.

Step 5 : Scroll down to check if your option is available for studies and scroll back up and click on ADMISSION FORM as seen in picture below.

Step 6 : Select payment method to proceed with platform fee payment to be able to access application platform.

NB: Read and follow all other produce to guide apply for your admission into the University of Buea.

University of Buea Online Admission Registration Application Requirements and Eligibility

Students wishing to register and gain admission into the university of Buea must meat the following requirement;

  • A pass in at least 4 papers including English language for General Education and 5 papers including English language for Technical Education.
  • A Pass in at least two papers at the GCE General and 4 papers at GCE technical.
  • NB: Those who failed English language and those whom English language is not their initial study language shall be required to write and English test examination to be specified by the University of Buea.

University of Buea online application platform

Application into the university of Buea is done online. The university has made a provision of an online platform where applicants can go there, create an account and register and almost no cost. One you have basic digital knowledge the you can proceed to register yourself by clicking the button below; otherwise you might need to consult an expert to help you out.

How much does it cost to apply for admission into UB

With a total cost of 12 500FCFA and data connection with a good phone or computer then you are good to go. The monetary requirements are as follows;

  • Website platform fees = 1000FCFA excluding transfer charges.
  • Application fees = 10 000 FCFA excluding transfer charges.
  • Then Money for your data which should not be more than 500 FCFA.
  • NB: funds must be made available in your mobile mobile account for automatic deduction when need be.

List Of Documents Needed For The Admission

  • Ordinary Level or ITC Results.
  • Advanced Level or ATC Results
  • Birth Certificate information
  • Id Card Information
  • A Gmail Account
  • A Mobile telephone number
  • And A passport size photograph.
  • NB: Note that all requires are in soft copy, hence the photo should be in your phone, flash disk or computer for easy usage.

Can someone help me summit my application for the admission into the University of Buea?

Aside from the platform fees and application fees, the registration is entirely free. But in case you don’t know how to do it yourself or does not possess the require digital services then you may need help. I such situation you might have to contact someone to help you out which could be us. In such situation you might see the total registration application admission cost rising up to 15 000 FCFA or more depending on the negotiation.

What To Do When Looking For A UB admission.

Before thinking of getting an admission into the university of Buea certainly you must have made it at the advanced level general or technical.

Certainly the first thing you need to do is to evaluate your results performance to kno exactly what can work for you.

Secondly you need to seek orientation to get important advises on what to study base on the following;

  • Your performance.
  • What is available for you to study.
  • And what the society need.
  • NB; Feel free to contact us on whatsApp for free orientation to help you make a better choice.

After you sure of what to do, make all requirements ready including finances and then you can go ahead to begin with the admission or contact someone like us to assist you.

Important restrictions that accompanies UB Admission Application Procedure.

Finally the Cameroon GCE Results are out, everyone now knows his/her fate. For those who have passed the advanced level, is time to make a choice. A choice of the kind of university and kind of university program to apply to enroll into. No one cant think of a University in Cameroon without talking about the university of Buea as it is classified as the third best university in Cameroon. It has a lot of faculties and schools, ranging from education, to medicine, to agriculture, to engineering and many others.

Students have th possibility of learning anything they want, though there are restriction based on greats.