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How to transfer from Blogger to WordPress without losing traffic

Many online website users usually prefer to start with a free website platform such as Blogger, maybe because they don’t have the finances or the fear of the unknown. But as time goes on Blogger users discover that more website authority can only be acquired by having a paid website and using a web-development platform such as WordPress. Hence they are now faced with the problem of How to transfer from Blogger to WordPress without losing traffic already acquired on the blogger platform.

In case you are a website user wanting to transfer from Blogger to WordPress without losing traffic then you have finally arrived at your bus stop. I am going to guide you through with this article and I bet you at the end you will see your problem solved like never before.

Firstly we are going to see how we can transfer articles from blogger to WordPress and secondly, we shall see how we can create redirection to maintain your already acquired traffic on blogger. Ok, let’s go.

Transferring Articles from Blogger to WordPress is done by the following steps.

1. Open your blogger dashboard and select the blog on which the articles are found.

2. Click on Setting.

3. Click on Others.

4. Click on Backup Content. (The backup shall be exported to your PC and saved under Downloads in Documents).

5. Open your WordPress dashboard.

6. Click on Tool.

7. Click on Import.

8. Click on Import Blogger and Install.

9. Click on Run Importer.

10. Click on Choose File.

11. Go to downloads and select the backup file and double click on it.

12. Click on Upload File and Import.

13. Chose an Import Author (Optional).

14. Click on Summit and then click on Have Fun.

Congratulations; all your articles have been successfully transferred from blogger to WordPress. Have Fun,

How to Create a redirection from blogger to WordPress to maintain your traffic

Install Redirection Plug-In

1. Click the “Plugins” in the left navigation menu of your WordPress dashboard page.

2. Click the “Add New” button to launch the Install Plugins screen. Type “Blogger to WordPress Redirection” into the Search field and Search.

3. Identify “Blogger to WordPress” and Click on “Install Now” . (WordPress installs the plugin on your blog). Click on “Activate”

4. Click the “Tools” tab on the left menu of your WordPress dashboard page. Click “Blogger to WordPress Redirection”

5. Click on “Start Configuration”. Click on “Get Code” to generate the code you’ll need to install on your Blogger blog to implement the redirection. Highlight and copy the redirection code in the code box.

Implement Redirect on Blogger

1. Sign in to your Blogger account and chose the blog for redirection.

2. Click on “Design” or “Theme” and then Click “Edit HTML”

3. Replace the existing code with the code copied from WordPress and click on “Save Theme”. (NB: You may need to back up the current blogger theme in case you might need it in future)

4. Go back to WordPress under “Tools” then “Blogger to WordPress Redirection” and Click of Verify Configuration. (This enables you test to see that the redirection is working correctly and is a one-to-one mapping).

Congratulations once more; all your blogger posts are now redirected to your new WordPress website.

You have successfully transfer from Blogger to WordPress without losing traffic. Enjoy the fun, enjoy the experience, and please don’t forget to leave us a comment either to appreciate us or to criticize us.

Read Also: How to change permalink without affecting SEO and fix 404 errors for redirection