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How to download Facebook videos using android devices (Updated)

I found that in my last article on downloading facebook videos, the article actually displayed the procedures to download facebook videos using a computer device. And notice many people still had problems going about this facebook videos download since they are basically using but android devices and might never even have time for the computer.

It is for this reason that I took out time to try and reach the android inclined persons so they too can benefit from our contributions to make the world an easy and better place.

Understanding the facebook app to use for this purpose of facebook videos downloads.

There exist many different face book apps but the one which is going work for this purpose is “the one whose icon is made up of a square blue background and a white f at the middle” please do not confuse it with the white f on a circular blue background.


Step 1:Getting the video link should be the first task for you. Here’s how you do that:

  1. Open Facebook app.
  2. Find the video you want to download.
  3. Tap on More settings at the upper right (three-dot icon).
  4. Select Copy Link.

Step 2:Download the video to your phone

  1. Go to playstore or apple store to DOWNLOAD AHAFAST DOWNLOADER

Paste the copied URL in the space provided and click on Download.

2. Choose the video quality depending on the quality you prefer.

Congratulations, your videos has been download. This procedures can be repeated anytime, anywhere.

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