Before I teach you anything you need to know about blogging in Cameroon with Google Adsense, I must first introduce myself to you.
Understanding Blogging In Cameroon And Make Money Online Through Google Adsense With GreatMike
I am called GreatMike, founder of GreatMike Web Design and SEO Services Agency In Cameroon. I am a Web developer, SEO expert and a blogger (making lots of money with Google adsense). I have been online for a while blogging in Cameroon and I have struggled and experimented on several aspects on how to make money online with Google adsense before being able to possess excess knowledge on blogging in Cameroon and how to make money using adsense.
The journey to the top is never and easy one for there is no get rich quick scheme in this world but all you need is just to work committedly. When I just started I will spend all my time almost 24/7 working online. I gave up so many things just to ensure I succeed ( and I do not wish seeing it happen to any person starting blogging in Cameroon). I have gone through all the hard work and difficult experiences to present to you just the simpliest procedure to succeed blogging in Cameroon and make money online with Google adsense.
I shall teach you every thing step by step, but it may interest you to understand that my first earning blogging in cameroon with adsense was just 24Euro which is about 17000FCFA. It took me five months to even start earning; and as off now my maximum earning per month stands at 720Euro which is about 450 000FCFA. Just look at the range between the two figures; no way near each other. This is just to tell you that it does not depend on the value of your starting amount, but one thing you have to keep at the back of your mind is that the maximum amount you can earn from blogging in Cameroon with Google Adsense is way beyond your imagination.

Let us just make a fast defination of this two terms for the sake of newbies
Google Adsense: It is a Google Advertisement program that enable publisher to monetize their website content by placing adse from Google and being paid using CPC (Cost per click) and CPM (Cost per 1000 page views). Apply For Google Adsense
Blogging: There is no other better eplaination of blogging by simply describing it as the act of publishing content consistently on a website. The content maybe niche specific or general.
Blogging In Cameroon with Google Adsense is one of the best method that can help serious young Cameroonians escape poverty.
Blogging In Cameroon with Google Adsense depends on three main factors
Like they always say “Content is the King”. When we talk of content the first thing we think of is the quality of the content, but we should never forget about the methods this content will use to get to the required viewers.
The quality of the content should depend on it usefulness to the viewers. It is always advisable to publish at least 300 words upward per article. I personally publish news and stories at an average of 600 words per post, while eductive and marketing contents are written with the maximum number of words needed to fully explain what I intent the readers to benefit from the article. Genuine and self made content is highly recommendable but each time you copy, endeavor to referrence (It is ethical).
Now writting the best content in the world without knowing how to get it reach your readers is as good as useless. Defining a means of reach users in important the most. I personally drive traffic to my websites using two main means which are social media marketing (facebook only) and Search Engine Optimization. One method of succeeding in Blogging in Cameroon is to be a social media influencer which I am proud to say I am. In fact I have created my own artificial search engine on facebook from which I generate tons of traffic to my websites. I did this by taking out time to grow my facebook pages and groups; I have pages of over 90K likes and groups of over 180K members. If you sum all my followers on facebook it it mount up to about 500 000 facebook users; that tells you that each time I publish a new article I do not really have a big problem of getting at least 3000 people reading a day. I also apply the best SEO practices in Cameroon to ensure my most valuable and long term articles rank and appear on search engines such as Google, Bing and others. Applying this Best SEO practices is and added advantage to make users find your content when searching on Google. (Our Agency offers compressed courses to enable persons become SEO experts).
2. Ads Placements
There have been a great change in the idea of ads placement in the last decade. ads placement is simply looking at the best position to place ads for maximum earnings.
I will not take you round the lengthy explainations that embodies ads placement but will tell you straight away what to do and what not to do. Firstly, understand that toady we have more mobile users unlike in the past when majory internet user were desktop users. Also, more than 50% of the people who visit your website do not read to the end. Hence I give you the following instructions to follow.
- Ads on the sidebar and footers are as good as useless
- Endeavor to show all relevant ads before maximum 2/3 of your content
- Place one ads before tittle
- Experiment
3. Number of Ads per post or page
The number ads may depend on the length of the article which I shall not have time to explain such here as it a minor issue, I shall explain something very sensitive to enable you choose appropriate number of ads to show on your side; but take note that most at time “More Is Less)
The major effects of ads placements are;
CTR (Click Through Rate): Google shows more relevant ads with respect to your content when the number of ads placement is minimum. When the ads are relevant in line with the content, readers find it more useful or interesting and turn to click it more giving a higher CTR. Too many ads placements implies more irrelevant ads hence readers are likely to skip ads without clicking.
CPC (Cost Per Click): Advertisers who pay high are giving the preference of showing their ads where competition is low, hence having too many ads placements on your site implies google will show ads of low CPC on your side thereby affecting your earning negatively.
Note: Looking for traffic to your website while blogging in Cameroon with Google Adsense? CONTACT US for free facebook traffic and Best SEO practices. Also CONTACT US in case you are thinking of blogging in Cameroon and not having a website yet and we shall help you at almost no cost.
This site is always open for questions and consultancy incase you have any doubts to clarify. Our comment section could also be use by readers to drop their worries and we shall give back appropriate answers to satisfy our readers.
Once more our services are; Web Design, SEO Services and Facebook Marketing.